Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Most Embarrassing Figure in Franchise History

By far the most hated and most embarrassing man ever associated with the Browns or Cleveland sports in general is ex-owner and traitor Art Modell.
Modell announced in 1995 that he was taking Cleveland's beloved Browns and moving them to Baltimore, where he would turn them purple, call them the Ravens, and convert Ozzie Newsome to the dark side.
That Modell is the most horrible man in Cleveland sports history and it's most hated enemy is obvious. But the embarrassment Modell brought on for Cleveland and its fans went well beyond just how embarrassing he and his own actions were to himself.
The move forced Browns fans to defend their team, their city, and their fanbase to outsiders for years (even to this day, in some cases), when they were asked over and over why Modell didn't want to be in Cleveland.
While Modell was the villain in this situation, he forced Browns fans into an embarrassing spot where they had to go on the defensive and explain that no, there was NO good reason for Modell to hijack their team and take it to another city.
Sadly, Modell himself never issued any real apology or showed any remorse or an appropriate sense of embarrassment for what he did to one of the greatest football towns in the country. Luckily, most sided with Cleveland, and the city retained the rights to the team's colors and history, providing some vindication that we weren't the only ones embarrassed by Modell's actions.

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